Tag Archives: Palestinian people

Come On, Mort…Wake Up!

I am listening to Mort Zuckerman spread misleading pro-Israeli propaganda.  Zuckerman should know better.

Let’s be very clear about one thing, Israel is in the position of power — with the full and unflinching support of the United States — and therefore can choose to either respect the two-state solution in Palestine and Israel or not.  Period.

Unfortunately, decades of disingenuous negotiations and apartheid policy proves Israel’s priorities.  Israel continues to appropriate Palestinian land for settlements, embargoes the Palestinian territories, and uses unnecessary and brutal force against the Palestinians.

The Palestinians abandoned the PLO because nothing was happening to serve Palestinian interests or their future. The promise of sincere negotiation and peace from Israel never came to be.  One easily can argue that Israel created the political environment that gave Hamas a chance.  And that serves Israel’s agenda just fine.

To continue blaming the Palestinians and pretend that the Palestinians are the reason why there is no peace in Palestine is a shameful lie and that lie perpetuates the war.

Until people are honest with the facts and pay attention to the truth, this evil system of oppression will not end.

Israeli Soldier Missing in Gaza. Meanwhile…

This morning’s news raised the alarm with the grim headline that an Israeli solider had been reported missing in Gaza.  Horrible.

Meanwhile, also in Gaza, more than 500 Palestinians — at last count — mostly civilians had been killed by the Israeli military.  Where is that headline?

Israel is the Problem

When will the United States see what most of the rest of the world sees?  Israel is the problem.  They have the power — mostly because the United States subsidizes the it — and so they have the power to make choices to advance peace which the occupied Palestinians do not have.

israelpalestine-flagsYesterday Israel announced plans to prep and zone new settlements in territory Palestinians hope to keep for their Palestinian state.  Peace in the region hinges on a separate and autonomous Palestinian state.  Therefore, Israel pursuing these additional settlements in areas that will compromise a desired Palestinian state demonstrates their unwillingness to behave in a manner that will bring peace to the region.

Even worse for Americans, we give Israel unlimited political and military support — support the rest of the world is too wise to offer — as well as economic aid and monetary gifts and still Israel acts in defiance of our wishes and interests.  Why are we Israel’s patsies?

Israel is also the land where Palestinians live in what are essentially ghettos, tormented by their occupiers.  Open trade, travel, and security are in these zones are limited by the Israeli military.  These are essentially prison camps in which many rights you and I take for granted are limited, just as the rights of a prisoner are limited.

And add to these years of daily humiliation the deadly conflicts that arise between Israel and the Palestinians.  In the latest Gaza conflict, Palestinians — mostly civilians — were killed at a ratio exceeded 30 to 1, not including thousands of Palestinian injuries and widespread loss of property.   Is it a mystery why Palestinians don’t trust Israel?

Certainly there are bad players on Palestinian side.  But how much difference is there between military raids, bulldozers, and settler gunshots on one side and radicalized, beaten fighters on the other?  I suppose one side lives well with relative security and the other does not.  That is a difference.

I, for one, haven’t any more respect for Israel than I do for the terrorists that attack Israel.  My sympathy is with the people who suffer in the midst of the fight.  Is an Israeli citizen more entitled to live in peace than a displaced Palestinian?  Where is the justice there?

If Israel wants peace, it must respect the rights of the Palestinian people and act in a manner faithful to that respect.

Palestine, Israel, and the State of War

Israelis killed by Palestinians in Israel ( bl...

Israelis killed by Palestinians in Israel ( blue ) and Palestinians killed by Israelis in Gaza ( red ) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Taking a critical view of Israel is a sure way to make enemies in the United States, but it is difficult for me, at least, to be sympathetic to Israel or see eye-to-eye with Israel’s supporters, especially in the United States.  Hypocrisy and bias inform the defense of Israel.

Answering real simple questions should get the conversation started, such as a very basic one:  Why does the United States support Israel?  What obligation do we have to Israel that the rest of the world does not?

This origins of the conflict go back many years prior to Israel declaring its independence in 1948.  Religious Jews had always sought a Jewish homeland in Palestine.  But without the state of Israel, the conflict would not be what it is today.  One could also argue if Palestine were allowed legal statehood — something the Israelis do not want and something for which the United States only feigns support — the conflict would be very different as well.  Israel would in fact be at war, not playing around with internal “security” issues.  Two very different realities.

But as it is, Israel, with the United States’s support — politically, economically, and militarily — continues to suppress the rights of the Palestinians.

If you assess public opinion in the United States, it strikes me that support for Israel isn’t all that thoughtful or sophisticated.  The rising conservative religious right, especially those of the eschatological bent, see Israel and conflict as an important part of Biblical prophecy.  (That should scare people.)

If you assess the comments made in support on blogs and comments, you see bogus analogies, my favorite is the “what would the United States do if Canada started lobbing missiles into Duluth” sort of thing.

Detailed Map of Illegal Israeli Settlements in the West Bank

Try turning that around.  What would you do if the Canadian Québécois, frustrated that they cannot establish an independent French-speaking state in Canada, were given a sizable chunk of Minnesota for their French-speaking homeland?  They just take it.  If you live in Moose Lake, you need to move…to Superior, Wisconsin.  Then lets say they start a few wars, settle into Superior, Wisconsin, too (the better parts), and don’t recognize your basic rights and freedoms.  Every time you want to see Grandma who still lives in Minnesota (now called Québécois) you need a to queue up, stand in line for hours or days, and suffer humiliations.  Meanwhile, your simple cinder block house in Superior has been bulldozed.  Now what would you do?

I suppose we can argue about whether or not Israel was a good idea in the first place — or even legal in the first place — but ultimately the Palestinians are a conquered people.  As the conquerors, Israel has the power and responsibility to make it right.  If Israel does, in fact, want peace, it must respect the basic rights of the Palestinians.  The Palestinians are no different than any other people.  They want their basic human rights respected, have security in their lives, and their property protected.  As long as they are denied the ability to protect their own interests and the integrity of their rights, it seems odd that we would expect them to settle.  Doesn’t it?

Israel essentially maintains an apartheid state, a religious colony that as a matter of official practice and law oppresses the Palestinian people.  As we sit today, Israel continues its colonial expansion — using what they euphemistically call “settlements” — in areas supposedly designated for the Palestinians.  That’s playing dirty, plain and simple.

It is easy to support positions that seem so simply black and white.  Unfortunately, however, I don’t think support for Israel enjoys a fair and objective understanding of the facts and history.  Go back and look for answers to the question Why does the United States support Israel? and see if that changes the situation at all.